Saturday, May 11, 2019

Resurrecting this Blog

It has been a really long time since I posted here last. I decided to resurrect this blog because I am contemplating giving up my other blog to eliminate the cost of hosting and keeping a domain. I just don't post as often as I used to, and I feel like I am wasting money to keep it at this point. I will miss looking back, but starting fresh isn't necessarily a bad thing.

So, where to begin...This has been an overall crappy year. I lost my two babies and have been heartbroken for months. My "replacement" bird is no Jasper and he brings me little joy most of the time. I know he is just a baby and will likely change over time, but right now it is hard to have a baby that looks so much like Jasper but acts nothing at all like him. I am sad to say that at times I regret getting him. I should have taken my time and considered other options rather than buying one that looks exactly like Jasper, but there is no going back now. In about three weeks I will be bringing a new baby home. It wasn't really my plan; I intended to let Bubo be an only child, but he really needs a companion. I think it's part of the reason he is acting so naughty right now.

Rio is eight weeks old today and his breeder sent me a new picture of him yesterday. Directly below are a couple of pics of him on April 19th, and below that is the picture from yesterday.

I pray that he is the bird my heart needs to heal. I had high hopes for Bubo, but he is definitely more green cheek conure-like than Jasper was. I wish I could stop missing that little stinker so much. The longer Avery is gone, the more I miss him, too. He was much more standoffish that Jasper was, but he loved me and I loved him a lot.

In other news, we closed on our new 5th wheel camper yesterday. The dealership still has a few things to do to get it ready for us, so we will likely pick it up on Monday or Tuesday. I scheduled our maiden voyage for the weekend of June 14 through the 16th. Rio should be home by then and hopefully he'll be settled in and comfortable. He and Bu will likely grow up traveling quite a bit, so camping should not be stressful for them. I am looking forward to making some good memories and turning this crappy year around.


Susan said...

Hi Tammy, so sorry you miss your babies. It does take time to heal and the new one is so pretty! Wow a new motor home! You will have to show me the inside. I have missed seeing you online. I am thinking about letting my site go too. We will see. Thanks for visiting me! You don't have an option for a website her.

Lori said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your babies and I know your heart hurts.
I made the switch to blogger for the same reason, but a long time ago. I just was not posting once I went back to work. I am posting more now, but I will stay with blogger. I will update your link.

Gloria said...

Sorry for your loss.
I have been down that road myself.
It is so easy to get attached to our pets,
they are part of the family.